Gymnastic part 2

BACK on track.

The last part was learning walkover’s this this it leaps and splits. First split is a medium level of gymnastics so you will be able to do it. It might take a while though. So to start the splits u need to go in a straddle if you don’t know what a straddle is it where you put your leg in criss cross applesauce then spread your legs apart. Then you lean in a little and put your hands on the ground.the try your best to turn a round on to your dominant leg.Or you can stand and go down slowly it’s your choice! Now try your best to hold it. Keep practicing and you’ll get it, trust me. Next trick is…..DRUM ROLL please. A leap!!! So first you need to jump and try to touch your toes. Now go back to your splits. Now try a running start when you touch your put your split with your jump and get a running boost. Give it a try. Nice! Now try it even faster or higher or even farther split.Yet Again it your choice. Next trick is…backbend walk and cartwheels! See you in part 3!

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